Monday 12 September 2011


I don't know, it seems lately every time I come onto my blog to do a post, it usually stems from my anger towards something I have seen or read & Facebook's stupid new 500 character cap, which prevents me from writing anything meaningful or something passionate on my own wall, so all my friends can see. Well whatever, here I'am again on my blog, so let the b****ing start!!!!

I recently (& by recently I mean just 10 minutes ago). Read this article on entitled ‘The Real Cost of The Used Market’. Within said article, it details how Guillaume De Fondaumier (the Co-Founder of Quantic Dream, which you may remember, released Heavy Rain on the Playstation 3 in 2010) is upset that a million people have played his game without paying full price for it… That’s right he’s upset that his game has only made €20 million as opposed to his preferred €25 - €30 million, which he rightly deserves... wait... WHAT!!!!

Ethan Mars in Quantic Dream's game: Heavy Rain
Listen, Ass-Munch!!! When it comes to parting with my hard cash, I'll buy games that I am sure will provide me value for my money (E.G. Uncharted, Fallout, Bioshock, Half Life & so on). Games which are not likely to be value for money (I.E. Your game, Heavy Rain – which I did happen to get on release day, DUE TO A TRADE IN, THANKS TO THE PRE-OWNED GAMES MARKET!!! & completed in 6 hours & platinum in 4 days, really good value of £40 I got there... & I'm not even that really good at games. I mean I'm slightly above average, but I'm no super geek). Any who I seem to have gotten off track, let me get start over again. Games which are great I buy on release day for their full prices. Games which I deem to be OK, not that great, but still good enough to buy or are super over hyped (like your game Quantic Dream) I get from the pre-owned or bargain bin, if I want an new gaming project. I mean what does this IGN article actually want from us? Are we supposed to feel sorry for thes big game development & publishing companies? They make millions pounds from their new games ALL THE TIME!! So what if they lose some money after the game is resold that's just the way the world works! If someone has something they don't want & someone else wants it, that person should be allowed to TRADE IT!! Whether it be for money or whatever the people involved in the trade deem to be fair. Are we expected to keep everything we own regardless of whether we want it or not, just so no-one who hasn't paid full whack for it happens to get their mitts on it for free or a fraction of the price it originally was!!! If that's the case I better go outside right now & get the contents of my bin back & tip it upon my kitchen floor, before Tesco comes knocking on my door blaming me for allowing the local dogs to steal the scrap pieces of food & wrappers I bought from them & then shamefully putting them outside & allowing these dogs to have a free meal!!! I mean, I'm not exaggerating when I say this, but not everyone is the Co-Founder of a company or have evolved to the point where they can starting s***ing money!!

Oh were did it all go so wrong?

You see like most geeky or nerdy hobbies, games are extremely expensive. Not everyone can afford games worth £40. I mean we're a recession at this moment in time & I'm so sorry if your company can only afford to live in a 60 foot storey, ivory  tower as opposed to 70 foot storey, ivory tower you actually dreamed of having your whole life, YOU P****! To think that these companies deserve every penny we earn from their games just because they made them & you yourself can't is ridiculous. You don't see jewellers who sell gold necklaces, grabbing pitchforks & touches & going up in arms outside pawn shops, because people have re-sold their gold or traded it for cash, do you???  To my knowledge no other entertainment medium costs so much or has fans as loyal as we the gaming community (except maybe prostitutes & the red light district... but that's a whole over story). This ass & all game companies need to shut the hell up!!! We’re all working hard for a living & just want some form of entertainment to help us pass the mind crushing boredom that is work & life, comprende!!!

If anyone else has any opinions similar or completely against my point of view, I welcome all comments in the comment section down below this article & will try to respond if possible. Thanks for reading.