Friday 29 July 2011

Self Made Quotes

While walking by myself today, my mind wondered a bit & for some reason I started to create my own random quotes in my head. These are what I came up with. All quotes are 100% created by me. I hope you enjoy them and find some truth to what they say & mean, enjoy.

  • To rise above yourself, is the greatest challenge you’ll ever attempt.
  • Jesus may have died for our sins, but we’re the ones who have to live with them.
  • If life has taught me anything it’s this, there are many things to learn in life.
  • It is possible to be known by everyone, but it is impossible to be loved by everyone.
  • The symbol of love maybe a heart, but the true feelings of love, come from what's inside your head.
  • It’s not just what you do that defines you; it’s what you choose not to do, that defines you as well.
  • Without fear we’d have nothing, but ambition to guide us.

Monday 25 July 2011

Video Game Rant! - Tetris

*What follows is a rant by me, about a particular video game and an extortionate ebay seller. If you happen not to care about either of these things then you can stop reading this message right now & just P*ss off! Thank you.* 

First off the reason why I'm doing this whole rant thing is while I was flicking around the internet today & I just happened to come across this ebay seller, who was selling a Japanese version of the original Tetris signed by its original creator. What a nice little collectable item I thought to myself (even though Tetris & Sega never really meant that much to me or even filled me with a single teaspoon of nostalgia) I as fan of all things gaming could still appreciate this rare collectable item... until I saw the seller wanted $1,000,000 for it. WHAT!!!!!!! (I thought to myself, this guy must be having a laugh) but he's not! (Just to make things clear at this point, before we proceed. I am against the extortion of selling games & other collectables [like the jack*ss selling this game] & not the game Tetris itself or any other type of collectables or indeed the selling of such collectables at a resalable & fair price for all true fans of any particular franchise.) While I myself love video games (more than most things in this pitiful existence we call life) & am indeed what most people would refer to as an 'uber geek' (& as such finds some level of enjoyment in collecting things related to this sub culture). If I did by some slim chance ever win the lottery or inherit $1,000,000 (Which I wouldn't because I live in Britain & the currency I use is called pounds) I am certain that I would never ever, ever, ever, ever want / need / attempt to buy this item on ebay, for this ridiculous price it is. Unless by some chance it could also summon about a real life Tetris type apocalypse whereby several different type blocks would fall from the sky in slow-motion to hopefully crush me & everything in existence, as a form of punishment for spending a stupid amount of money on a single game just because its rare & has the creators signature on it. When in fact the money could be put to a better use, like buying lots more video games, hookers & a little island that could be used to create my super villian's liar from that one bond film I really like... Just saying :/

If you too would like to view this item on ebay then feel free to the URL link is right under this sentence -